
Background Teaser

Color Big

This is teaser with big size color icon with h3 heading and RT-Icon

Regular Button

Color Big

This is teaser with big size color icon with h3 heading and RT-Icon

Inverse Button

Color Big

This is teaser with big size color icon with h3 heading and Font Awesome

Regular Button

Icon Teasers

You can manage icon types by toggling following classes to teaser_icon div: “grey”, “highlight”, “size_big”, “size_small”, “size_normal”, “dark_bg_color”, “main_bg_color”, “border_icon”, “round”. Also you can remove button from teaser and add a link inside any header.

Normal Icons

Grey Normal

This is teaser with normal size grey icon with h2 heading and link inside header

Color Small

This is teaser with normal size grey icon with h3 heading and link inside header

Regular Button

Black Normal

This is teaser with normal size grey icon with h4 heading and link inside header

Background & Border Icons

Black Big

This is teaser with big size black icon with h2 heading and link inside header

Color Small

This is teaser with big size color icon with h3 heading and Font Awesome icon

Regular Button

Dark BG Normal

This is teaser with dark background normal size icon and h4 heading

Inverse Button

Main BG Normal

This is teaser with big size color background icon and h3 heading

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Teasers With Borders and Backgrounds

You can add a border or a background to any of them by adding a with_border or with_background, dark_bg_color, main_bg_color classes to teaser element.

Border Teaser

This is teaser with normal size grey icon with h4 heading

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Muted Teaser

This is teaser with big size color icon with h3 heading and Font Awesome icon

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Dark Teaser

This is teaser with big size icon, dark background and h4 heading with border

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Color Teaser

This is teaser with small size icon with border, color background and h3 heading

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Side Teasers

You can style icons for side teaser same as for regular teaser

Normal Icon Side Teaser

This is a side teaser with small size icon and h4 heading

Small Icon Side Teaser

This is a side teaser with small size icon and h3 heading

Small Icon Side Teaser With Border

This is a side teaser with small size icon and h3 heading

Small Icon Side Teaser

This is a side teaser with small size icon and h4 heading

Horizontal Teasers

You can style icons for horizontal teaser same as for regular teaser

Business Meetings

At vero eos et accusam justo duo dolores ea rebum skasd gubergren no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum

Business Meetings

At vero eos et accusam justo duo dolores ea rebum skasd gubergren no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum

Business Meetings

At vero eos et accusam justo duo dolores ea rebum skasd gubergren no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum

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